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New Horizons ended Pluto in 2006

We’ve all been taught in school about the names of the existing planets.
We all grew up thinking that Pluto was the ninth planet from the sun and a Disney character as well. Our focus is on Pluto the planet not the Disney character. Therefore, do not confuse these two together.

We all know that Mercury is the first planet from the sun yet the second hottest one… Weird, huh? You would think that it would be the hottest one since it is the closest one from the sun but Venus, the second planet from the sun, took that title away from Mercury. In other words, it is boiling hot over there and I’ve always fantasized about that thought being linked to the book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus because society usually associates women with being hot tempered even though I do believe that all individuals are different regardless of their gender.
Earth comes in third place. As in, we have made it to the top five. Yay us, right?
Then we have Mars in forth place. The last planet in our top five list goes to Jupiter, the largest planet. Then
we have the sixth planet from the sun, Saturn and after that planet comes the seventh planet from the sun, Uranus. Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun and last but most definitely not  least, Plu…. wait a second… Oh right, I remember…
Pluto is only considered as a dwarf planet now… Childhood\education ruined, huh?
Taking a walk down memory lane to reminisce about good old Pluto memories of my past is not a pleasant memory anymore.

Here is a little interesting yet extremely sad story for you guys to dwell on.
A spacecraft named New Horizons changed everyone’s perspective or to be more accurate, every person who’s interested in astronomy and planetary science perspective since 2006.
Pluto was demoted at the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague and it is safe to say that it was a controversial topic. On the other hand, they have decided to call all dwarf planets past Neptune as Plutoids.
We can at least say that Pluto is, metaphorically speaking, a star now?
Is that a yay or a nay thing?
I honestly do not know how to comprehend nor feel about this particular situation. We can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Nada Alanazi-

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