إسبوعية ومخصصةزوايا وأقلام

i miss …together

It is a nice feeling when you know

that some one loves you, misses you, needs you
but it is better when you know

that’s some one never ever forgets you
That’s me

 I  miss the place where

we sat and talked till dawn.

I miss your name so much. I repeat
it to myself everyday!!

I miss the dreams that we dreamt of.

I miss the hopes that we hoped

I miss the sweet voice that heals my wounds

. I miss everything about you!.

 I miss the wishes you made for me.

I miss the gifts you gave me!

I miss the kindness that
no one else can show!!

I miss the happiness you can bring!

I miss the heart that was so
big that it can love the whole world

Days passes me by and they seem like ages!

I don’t feel anymore! I can’t hear anymore!!

 may not be a clock that may SmS you 24 hours a day

but my heart will be like a clock that will not stop caring

and loving some  one    special as you

I miss your smile I miss  you

i miss …together








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