إسبوعية ومخصصةزوايا وأقلام


I would very much like to state the fact that we live in a cruel, cruel world… One thing you need to know about me is that I’m far from being a cynical person. Most people are quick to judge yet slow to understand…. No offense of course. For you all to see how dire the situation is, the lead singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, took his own life away three days ago for multiple reasons. It’s a dog eat dog world out there and I tend to use this idiom whenever I get the chance to because I find it a bit ironic how we, humans came up with this Ludicrous idiom even though dogs do not and I repeat do not eat each other… It’s humans who do… You know, cannibals. People instantly judged Chester’s decision… “oh no, what a selfish act he did! Didn’t he think about his spouse and children before committing such a foolish act! Those poor kids of him. He must’ve been a terrible father and for sure one hell of a horrific husband.” A member from a different band even called him a coward for committing suicide. Let me remind you guys that Chester was thinking about committing such a thing years ago but never did until now because he had his personal reasons and his reasons remain PRIVATE just the way they should. The majority of people are extremely oblivious to the feelings of others and people should never treat each other with such disregard.

Chester Bennington survived child sexual abuse, battled addiction and mental illnesses. Trust me when I say that he’s the furthest thing from being a coward. I’m not justifying his very last and final act, I’m just trying to make a statement here…. Just do yourself a favor and don’t judge a book by its cover.

If you think you’re not good enough to live, please seek help and visit this website


To educate yourself more about the matter, these two YouTube videos will expand your horizons



Nada Alanazi / ندى العنزي –

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