إسبوعية ومخصصةزوايا وأقلام

that life simple plain

I imagined the wind

Without grass or trees,

And the sun without Eddna

I hope in life, the joys of our hearts

Dark thoughts of torment we are in fear regret

Then I saw you rushing and your hand,

Outstretched from your body,

As if you were leaving the land,

And you want the news of the wind

The ghost of death is in our door

in the mountains

There was the sea,

But we did not see him.

, Everything has to be so,

Deep blue of the sky

And our purple shadows

On the snow.

When he said

If friends make you

when times are tough and lean

Lie ….. Illusion

If people say of you what you abhor,

To you patience would draw your foe’s love true.

Glory in hardship, sloth in comfort lies.

When we’re alarmed, security is our aim,

When secure, we’re not free from fear.

Constant we’re not in both patience and drear.

Man wishes that life was simple and plain

And that its hardness does not one’s life fray.

The best companions are books alone

The poet


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