إسبوعية ومخصصةزوايا وأقلام

Don’t say … love me

in world you may be

but to one person you

may be the world

in my dreams is the only place

I can hold you in it

The birds can fly

the babies can cry

the water can dry

you can forget me

but remember somebody

loves you   that’s me.

The love is will be hard always

The hard thing in life is to watch

the person that you love

loves someone else. You can go any where ,

you can see & love many

But I’m sure nobody will understand

love your heart like me

 The smallest word I know is ….. I

The sweetest word I know is ….. miss you

the person I never forget is….. you

I miss you so much .

If you love me let me know

if you don’t then let me go .

Don’t say you love me

unless you really mean it

because I might believe you

and give your heart to only on

The poet



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